<B>Let’s get together</B> And for anyone or any group contemplating starting a wine tasting club, <B>Wine Spectator’s Ultimate Wine Tasting Kit</B> would be ideal. It’s a boxed set about the size of an Umberto Eco novel (or a Robert Parker tome) that includes a 240-page “Essentials of Wine” guide, a condensed “Pocket Guide” for carrying about, a beginner’s guide to hosting wine tastings, and fun paraphernalia such as stemware, bottle tags and reusable bottle bags for the hidden-label games. There’s also a coupon for two free issues of Wine Spectator, which, all things considered, is only reasonable advertising. <I>Eve Zibart is a restaurant reviewer for the</I> Washington Post <I>and author of</I> The Ethnic Food Lover’s Companion.
Valiant Women is a vital and engrossing attempt to correct the record and rightfully celebrate the achievements of female veterans of World War II.